aber ich habe schon einen ersatz gefunden. zumindest stehen neue linsen auf meiner wish list, und zwar pinke : D honeycolor.com verkauft seit längerem pinke kontaktlinsen, und nach langem hin und her haben sich meine freundin und ich darauf geeinigt, dass jeder ein anderes paar pinke linsen ausprobiert. ich werde mich um die jewel pink kümmern.
ich finde sie wirken eher wie ein helles braun, was mir gut gefällt. die linsen haben auch durch die bank eine sehr gute bewertung, außer 2, welche sagen dass sie unbequem seien. ich hoffe einfach mal, dass ich glück mit meinen linsen haben werde und meine konfortabler sind.
user reviews
toni: These are really pretty lenses. At first, I was unsure about them, and bought them on impulse. But I love them now, and I wear them a lot. They don't look too pink with my eye colour though, more of a light brown, but they make my eyes look really beautiful. The people I work with have all said nothing but nice things about my eyes since I got the lenses.
chantal:I got these a few months back because I could NOT resist the adorable pink of these lenses. <33>
sunny:I bought these on a whim because I'd never seen PINK contacts before!
It's a simple design; the pink is fairly light and neutral, only when one is close to you can he or she see color. The black ring is very dominant and noticeable, it clearly has an enlarging effect. However, if you're looking for color, these lenses aren't the way to go. These are a very light and more natural/neutral lens, without being as cliche as a brown or black circle lens. Buy these if you want to spice things up a bit from everyday contact wear.
However, my only qualm about these lenses is that they're moderately less comfortable than my other circle lens from Beaucon (on the verge of irritability) , or any other brand for the fact of the matter, even after soaking in solution for about a day. I've put these in the back seat; uncomfortable lenses have no place in my daily routine. I know it's not HoneyColor's fault though, I probably just got a bad batch. :(
after 1 1/2 years I have to get rid of my ageha honey brown circle lenses. because of their hyper size I rarely wore them. u just need way to much makeup to let them look A BIT natural. however I already have a new pair of lenses on my wish list: pink one. honeycolor sells pink circle lenses since a while and I'm sooo curious how they look in RL. so it's already kind of decided that I'll buy a pair of jewel pink lenses. they're only 14,2, which is the right size for my eyes and aww I can't wait >3<
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