Samstag, 8. Oktober 2011

it's getting cold already

hi guys
long time no posting AGAIN ✖
I'm so sorry, but so many things happened and I just couldn't find enough time to update my blog.

however I'm back and gosh there really is so much to blog about ✖
I think my next update will be about himeberry's last meetup, photos, infos and stuff that happened with our gyarusa
but for now just a picture I took back in summer at a friends place (with wig lol )  ♥

4 Kommentare:

  1. welcome back! <3
    and yes!! its way too cold!

  2. Welcome back hunnie~! ♥
    & wow, the short hair suits you so nicely!

  3. Oh Gott ich hab dich gar nicht erkannt!! Sehr coole Perücke! Wie kriegst du da deine ganzen langen Haare drunter verstaut?! Respekt :)!
