just looked through some new fruits magazines and picked some of my fav. coordinates.
after editing I've recognized that I only liked the dark, black looks O_o love the model's attitude and fashion sense >3<
fruits is so special XD some outfits are really epic (fail) or just over the top, however sometimes you're lucky and spot some REALLY REALLY REAAAAALLY outstanding, gorgeous coords.
enough bla
here are my fav. of february 2011 issue
january issue was kinda disappointing, only one look caught my eye, however it's *__*
can't actually tell what's that great about this look, I just fell in love with it ^0^
Haha, I'm a sucker for the monotone looks too XD
AntwortenLöschenThese are some great outfits though! The second to last girl in the top photoset has an awesome look going on ♥