happy new year everyone ^0^ ich hoffe das neue jahr hat für euch genauso gut angefangen wie für mich.
heute gibts ein kleines review zu meinen neuen diamond lashes die ich mir letztends bestellt habe. ich habe noch mehr von der 'marke', aber erst mal schreib ich n bisschen was zu den neuesten (aber nur auf englisch ^^ )

crappy quali is crappy XD stupid table lamp
purchased @ ichibankao
upper lashes: diamond lashes power series; sexy eyes
lower lashes: diamond lashes lady series; natural eye
price: each 1700¥
payment: paypal super easy way to buy online
delivery: shipping time was ~9 days much faster than last time, when it took like 4 weeks
when I unwrapped my order I was a bit sceptic, cuz especially the upper lashes looked super long and unnatural. however when I put them on they look dramatic but not too long neither too extreme. I'm really happy with my upper lashes. The lower lashes need to be applied as close to the lashline as possible if you don't want drooping eyes (which I hate since I already have a negative formed mouth ). however when you apply them right they look really nice and are kinda dramatic.
picture is just to show the new lashes, so don't mind the un-galic (lol) makeup
omg they look AMAZING!! ♥ & your eyes are such a lovely colour!
AntwortenLöschenYou look super-cute in your glasses too, haha~ I'm always jelly of girls who can pull off the megane look without looking like a total dork! XD
beautyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy *A*
AntwortenLöschendu bist so wunderschön <3
Lovely eyes!! And eyelash as well. Those lower lashes look really good and natural on you. Beautiful. :)